This new album tackles hot themes while poetry and sheds light on the artist’s vision of our world and its imbalances.
Matzel XanderMi, 22.09.202121:59Musik Taj Weekes is a reggae musician, songwriter and poet from the Caribbean island of St. Lucia. The Government of St Lucia has appointed him Goodwill Ambassador, Goodwill Ambassador and the title of His Excellency. Taj Weeke’s seventh studio album was released in August 2021: Pause. Taj Weekes wrote 35 songs during the […]
His seventh album “Pause” is his first solo project since he parted ways with the band Adowa. The official launch took place on August 9, 2021. Although he is a formidable idealist, Taj Weekes maintains a sophisticated and unflinching view of the world. This balance between seeing what is and what should be clearly empowers his social activism. His songs are of a great pragmatic and non-judgmental optimism that is not merely unusual in reggae, but almost unique. So what makes Taj Weekes special can be summed up in three words: musician. poet, and Humanitarian. What makes him amazing is the easy and spontaneous harmony between all facets of his existence.
aj poetically captured this stunning reality with a profound reflection of the times by writing deeply rooted emotional lyrics that comprise his new album, ‘PAUSE.’ Taj believes this could well be his most outstanding album to date.
Si l’on s’intéresse à ses textes, sa carrière, ses projets, son implication humaine et personnelle, on se rend vite compte que Taj Weekes est bien plus qu’un chanteur de reggae. Activiste social, poète, humaniste, ses chansons sont le reflet de cette identité forte, douce et consciente. Armé de sa plume, Taj Weekes nous offre dans ses œuvres et ses textes incisifs, la véracité aussi dure qu’elle soit, un regard juste sur le monde d’aujourd’hui.
On February 17 the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs received a generous donation of Pharmaceuticals and Over the Counter drugs from the TOCO Foundation They Often Cry Outreach and the Integrated Clinics International (ICI). The donation, valued at over US$20,000 will be distributed between the Vieux Fort and Soufriere regions and will assist […]
“This album was written during the most important year of my life. The year the music stopped and about everything else in between”- Taj Weekes
Taken From NWI TiMES.COM VALPARAISO — On an early February night just days after the polar vortex departed Northwest Indiana, Valparaiso University students made their way through the snow, feet crunching on frozen grass, to the Duesenberg Recital Hall inside the Center for Arts. The small theater played host to an event seemingly out of place. […]
Taj Weekes: Love Herb & Reggae Taken From Cidermag Review by John Powell “Let your voice be as loud as your silence,” Taj Weekes starts off his fifth album, Love Herb & Reggae (Jatta Records, 2016). With Adowa–the roots group that has been Taj’s backbone since the beginning–behind him, he scores with another set of finely-tuned tracks. […]