Si l’on s’intéresse à ses textes, sa carrière, ses projets, son implication humaine et personnelle, on se rend vite compte que Taj Weekes est bien plus qu’un chanteur de reggae. Activiste social, poète, humaniste, ses chansons sont le reflet de cette identité forte, douce et consciente. Armé de sa plume, Taj Weekes nous offre dans ses œuvres et ses textes incisifs, la véracité aussi dure qu’elle soit, un regard juste sur le monde d’aujourd’hui.

On February 17 the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs received a generous donation of Pharmaceuticals and Over the Counter drugs from the TOCO Foundation They Often Cry Outreach and the Integrated Clinics International (ICI). The donation, valued at over US$20,000 will be distributed between the Vieux Fort and Soufriere regions and will assist […]

“This album was written during the most important year of my life. The year the music stopped and about everything else in between”- Taj Weekes

REGGAEUNDERby DJ Rasflek 19/07/2021 Taj Weekes es un cantautor Rastafari que lidera una banda de reggae dinámica llamada Adowa. Criado en la isla caribeña de Santa Lucía, pero moldeado por la experiencia de la vida intercontinental, también es un humanitario enérgico e inquebrantable que fundó la organización benéfica para sus hijos, They Often Cry Outreach […]

“But faithfulness to his roots in no way constrains him. He continues to expand reggae’s horizons, giving it renewed relevance and appeal.” TED BOOTHROYD Taj Weekes’ new album Pause is his first without the musical benefits of his backing band Adowa. But don’t expect an all-acoustic or subdued experience such as Clinton Fearon blessed us with on […]