Taj Weekes at Mount Snow ReggaeFest and Sink or Swim Pond Skim


The Bud Light ReggaeFest returns to Mount Snow this weekend, March 26 to 28, bringing back lots of music and fun. The annual spring celebration is one of the mountain’s largest events. Last spring, more than 5,000 people witnessed guests dressed in costumes skimming ponds, and sliding on cardboard, and heard some great reggae music.

Things kick off Friday night at the Snow Barn with Taj Weekes & Adowa. The group has managed to weave a rare social consciousness with an unforgettable reggae groove. Hailing from the Caribbean island of St. Lucia, the group’s founder, singer/songwriter Taj Weekes, has been noted as “raising the level of songwriting within the idiom of reggae music.”

On Saturday and Sunday the Bud Light Tent will be set up outside Cuzzin’s featuring reggae bands starting at 1 pm. Saturday witness the classic-rooted reggae of Taj Weekes & Adowa and Sunday features Loose Caboose.

Saturday night move to the Snow Barn. Headline band The Big Takeover will perform for the last Bud Light Concert of the season. Since their arrival, The Big Takeover, a reggae/ska/roots band, has hit the ground running and never glanced back. The band’s sets include the perfect fusion of familiar reggae favorites and their own hypnotic, danceable rhythms.

Accompanying the Bud Light Reggae Fest will be the eighth annual Sink or Skim Pond Skim competition on Saturday, and the Duct Tape Derby III on Sunday.