Taj Weekes and Adowa Return Engagement at Joes’s Pub in NYC

Catch Taj Weekes and Adowa in New York City at one of their favorite venues, Joe’s Pub. This may be the last show in the Tri-State area before they head off on their coast to coast tour to promote their new album, A Waterlogged Soul Kitchen.

Joe’s Pub, 425 Lafayette Street between East 4th and Astor Place in the East Village.

Saturday, February 5 at 9:30 PM; $14

Tickets can be purchased 24 hours a day online at joespub.com.

From 10am-9pm, tickets can be purchased by phone at 212-967-7555.

You may buy tickets in person at The Public Theater box office, located at 425 Lafayette Street from 1:00 pm to 6:00pm on Sundays and Mondays and 1:00pm to 7:30pm from Tuesday through Saturday.

Tickets are also available for purchase in person at Joe’s Pub from 6:00pm to 10:00pm, seven days a week.