Taken From the Mirror Upcoming Powerful New Album Proves “Progressive Roots Reggae” is Not an Oxymoron
Taken From Guestlist Love, Herb and Reggae is the 5th album released by group Taj Weekes & Adowa. With 14 new tracks, one of them being a remixed version of the catchy, “Here I Stand,” Love, Herb and Reggae provides great tunes, sweet vocals and lyrics. Political, with a strong passion for righteousness and one love […]
TAKEN FROM CROATIAN REGGAE PORTAL Srce kuca snažno Kako stvari trenutno stoje, svijetu su potrebni neki novi pristupi. Stari načini razmišljanja ne pale više, a njihova uporna ponavljanja samo nas sve više tjeraju u govna. U svom novom albumu ovaj pjevač i stihopisac s male karipske otočne države Svete Lucije je obrnuo stari slogan “seks, […]
TAKEN FROM UNITED REGGAE By Eric Mangi St. Lucian singer and songwriter Taj Weekes’ is finally back with his and his band Adowa’s fifth album Love, Herb & Reggae, a set originally slated for release last year. It was definitely worth the wait and it’s his most varied and rebellious album to date. Love, Herb & Reggae is soft […]
Taken From World Music Central Taj Weekes & Adowa – Love Herb & Reggae (Jatta Records, 2016) Although reggae remains very popular, a lot of modern reggae has too much pop or R&B. Taj Weekes & Adowa, on the other hand, play roots reggae that is founded in tradition and still sounds fresh and modern. The […]
Taken From ZONAREGGAE Artist: Taj Weekes & Adowa Album: Love Herb & Reggae Label: Jatta Records / VPAL Catalog No.: N/A Data lansării: 12 Februarie 2016 Format: CD | Digital Artistul de origine caribiană Taj Weekes, împreună cu muzicienii săi din grupul Adowa, pregătesc lansarea unui noul album, intitulat Love Herb & Reggae. Materialul reprezintă cel de-al cincilea LP pentru Taj […]
Taken From THE NORWICH RADICAL LOVE, HERB AND REGGAE – AN INTERVIEW WITH TAJ WEEKES by Chris Jarvis February 12th saw the release of St Lucian born musician Taj Weekes’ fifth full length album Love Herb and Reggae – a collection of fourteen bouncing, mellow reggae tunes with his band Adowa. In 51 minutes, Taj’s lyrics cover the full […]
Taken from EXCLAIM By Ryan B. Patrick Published Feb 12, 2016 8 Love Herb & Reggae marks Taj Weekes & Adowa’s fifth studio release, and the musical evolution is evident. The vocal elements are confident, the musicianship tight and the lyrical content as righteous as ever. St. Lucian-born singer-songwriter Weekes speaks to his Rastafarian faith throughout, and […]
Taken from REGGAEVILLE by Justine Amadori Ketola Simply put, Taj Weekes is a deep brother. For this his 5th album, the artist decided it was time to step out of the comfort zone not just musically but also in his message. Political yes, but more of a militancy that takes no shortcuts, that stakes a claim for […]
Taken from REGGAEMANI St. Lucian singer and songwriter Taj Weekes’ is finally back with his and his band Adowa’s fifth album Love, Herb & Reggae, a set originally slated for release last year. It was definitely worth the wait and it’s his most varied and rebellious album to date. Love, Herb & Reggae is soft and uplifting rootsy […]