Taken From StLuciaTimes Press Release:-Castries, December 09, 2016; Twenty-five (25) international longboarding professionals will put on a spectacle for Saint Lucian sport enthusiasts and youth, as a highlight of the National Day 2016 program. This activity is the newest initiative by US based philanthropists Taj and Angela Weekes’ through their foundation They Often Cry Outreach(TOCO). Longboarding is […]

Taken From St.LuciaTimes Castries, October 14, 2016; The 3rd round of spay/neuter clinics spearheaded by TOCO Foundation commence from Friday October 14th and will run for four days at the James Belgrave Court Marchand Grounds.   The aim of the campaign is contribute to reducing the population of stray dogs around the island, and to assist low […]

TAKEN FROM BLACK GROOVES Title: Love Herb & Reggae Artist: Taj Weekes & Adowa Label: VP Records Formats: CD, MP3 Release date: February 12, 2016 A play on the classic “sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll” theme, Taj Weekes and his band Adowa’s fifth studio release, Love Herb & Reggae, is an effort to return […]

TAKEN FROM LA GROSSE RADIO La Grosse Radio / Reggae / Webzine reggae / Actu / Taj Weekes – Single: Here I Stand Taj Weekes – Single: Here I Stand [ ACTU ] REGGAE – Love, Herb, Reggae, iwelcom Samedi 9 Janvier 2016 à 14h00, by Zopelartisto Pour tous les amoureux de musique non-conformiste, cette actu est pour vous. Taj Weekes nous offre un extrait de son prochain album qui […]

TAKEN FROM MUSIK SPIRIT   Artiste:  Taj Weekes Titre:  “Here I Stand” Écoute le single de Taj Weekes “Here I Stand” Ecoute le titre Here I Stand de Taj Weekes et n’hésite pas à lâcher un petit commentaire pour nous faire part de ton avis, tu peux aussi consulter les paroles, en cliquant sur le bouton […]

TAKEN FROM REGGAE VIBE WRITTEN BY RAS MAHDDY This is a Reggae Vibe Official Warning! This album contains heavy roots Reggae music. Adowa brings a cultural roots vibe to compliment the distinctive vocals of Taj Weeks. Track #3 Giant Beast is a message to all that Babylon will fall. Track #4 “Here I Stand” speaks […]

Taken from Skank Productions Christmas came early for me this year, in the form of a digital download in mid-December of a pre-release of the highly anticipated, upcoming disc by Taj Weekes & Adowa, entitled “Love, Herb & Reggae.” Believe me when I say that in a year’s time, by December of 2016, this superb […]

TAKEN FROM TOP SHELF REGGAE By Kristy Rose Caribbean Rastafarian singer and songwriter Taj Weekes has recently announced the release date of his upcoming fifth studio album Love Herb & Reggae off Jatta Records, to hit all digital outlets February 12th, 2016. As a poet and a humanitarian, Weekes has always catered his music to the struggle of […]